Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Jason's One Month Checkup!

Jason had his one month checkup this week!

 The wind chill was in the negative teens, so we wrapped him up like an Eskimo.  He's waiting to be zipped into his Bundle Me here.

Selfie with Mommy. I love how he's looking at me like he can't believe what a dork I am.

Jason is weighing in at a whopping 8lbs 2oz!  He was very well behaved for this appointment, and showed off his excellent cooing skills for his doctor.  Next month he'll get his first round of vaccines!

Bath time!

 Our cutie Pooh.  This is the happy period after he's been dried off, but before the dreaded lotion application.

Jason is starting to realize that bath time means that it's almost time to turn in for the night.  After his bath, he'll gobble double what he would for a normal feeding, and then he'll sleep for up to five hours at a time!  Last night he fell asleep around 10.  Dave got up once in the middle of the night to give him a bottle, and then I fed him at 7 AM.  I think he would have slept for another few hours, but I woke him up for snuggles.

For Valentines Day, Dave and I had sushi (I missed raw fish SO MUCH over the past 10 months), and Jason got his first greeting cards!  Both sets of grandparents also sent him some cash money for his piggy bank!
Got his mind on his money and his money on his mind.

It's not all fun and games, however.  We continue to subject Jason to tummy time, and he continues to object.

This is Jason objecting.

Jason will occasionally give us some big smiles, but we haven't gotten any pictures of them.  He's also totally obsessed with this picture.  We have it hanging in our living room, and sometimes Jason will start to crank if he doesn't have a good enough view of it.

And here's some gratuitous cuteness for everyone to enjoy!

Sleepy Jason.

Baby feet!


Our little philosopher.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

First month

This is one of my favorite onesies ever.  It's a little sweatshirt!!
Snoozing with Daddy.
We have a ton of plain white onesies, because I thought they looked angelic and perfect for a newborn.  I don't think we have a single one left that's unstained.
Fresh and clean.

We've learned several things about Jason during the past month, including many of his likes and dislikes.

-Wearing pants
-Stretching and groaning while waking up
-Being adorable

-Being gassy or burpy
-Getting out of the bath
-The post-bath application of lotion
-Mommy or Daddy pulling a onesie over his head 
-People who don't know how to drive through a roundabout (he didn't specifically say this, but we drive past Vassar College on the way to his pediatrician, and I can feel his disgust from the back seat... Get it together, people).
At his last MD appointment, Jason was weighing well over seven pounds, and his hernia was confirmed by the pediatrician.  He has an appointment with a pediatric surgeon at Westchester Medical next month.
Jason looks more and more like Dave every day.  The only thing he's gotten from me is his wonderful, side-eyed look of disgust.  We usually see it when I over-enthusiastically tickle him or threaten to eat his feet. Unfortunately, it's been tough to get a picture of.  This is the best example I have:
He's so over Mommy's shenanigans.

Jason also has the most adorable sad-face I've ever seen.  Let's hope he doesn't have a manipulative nature, because all he has to do is show me his sad-face and I will buy him whatever he wants.  
Sure Jason, we'll get you that pony!

(Please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes. I'm currently enjoying my first alcoholic beverage since last March).

Jason David is Here!

Jason David arrived on January 14, 2015 at 11:55 AM, one day before our due date.  We were admitted the night before with a diagnosis of HELLP Syndrome, and induced within a few hours.  That's the short version.  The long version involves me going out for a post-work meal with my favorite co-workers and not realizing that the OB was trying to urgently reach me (because it's hard to hear a phone vibrate in a noisy restaurant), and her nurse calling my emergency contact person (Dave), and Dave trying to call me.  It's a funny story in retrospect (Dave probably doesn't agree).  Once we were at the hospital, they drew some labs, inserted my Cervidil, and then it was party time.

I learned some things during the labor process. 
1) There's no reason to ask your husband to step behind the curtain while the RN checks your cervix and inserts your foley catheter, because sh*t is about to go down that makes a catheter insertion look like a picnic in the park.
2) You can break your own water if you vomit into your water pitcher vigorously enough!
3) Not everyone poops when they push!

The actual active labor part of the process was very short, and before we knew it Jason had arrived!!

Freshly delivered, pissed off, and slightly ET-ish.

Initial Apgar score was 6, but he rebounded like a champ to a solid 9!  My RN told me afterward that I had pushed out some clots mid-delivery, which indicated an abrupted placenta.  We're very thankful that he's here and healthy! 
(Note to general public: It's not polite to immediately comment on how tiny a full-term baby is, before remarking on how perfect and handsome he is.  Yes, we know he had a low birth weight. There's a reasonable, medically sound explanation for that.  Our docs aren't concerned, we're not concerned, he's our perfect little lamb chop, and he's gaining weight like a chubby little all-star).

First pictures of Jason at home with Mommy and Daddy.