As far as hospitals go, Maria Fareri is a pretty place! There are two huge saltwater fish tanks when you enter, and the hallway leading to the surgery center is set up like a baseball museum, with memorabilia and displays along the walls. I guess they try to make it as cheerful as possible for the poor kiddos :-(
Jason said hello to his anesthesiologists, nurse, and surgeon. Then we changed him into a tiny little gown and they took him away. The surgery was supposed to last about 1.5 hours, but I think it was almost three hours when we were finally called back. Dr. Stringel told us that he's done thousands of hernia repairs, and he considered Jason's to be extremely difficult. Originally, we thought he had a large hernia on the left and a tiny one on the right. Dr. Stringel said that once he repaired the left one, he didn't see much evidence of one on the right. He was reluctant to operate on that side without concrete evidence of a hernia, since inguinal hernia repair can damage the testicle. When we bring him back for his two week follow up, Dr. Stringel will reassess the right side. Keep your fingers crossed for no hernia!
On the way home, cranky and hungover.
Jason was a little ball of grumpiness for the rest of the day. His throat was hoarse from being intubated, and he seemed to be very uncomfortable. Good thing he gets a kick out of it when we give him Tylenol.
The next morning, he was broiling hot, and his temperature read 101.8 at its highest. We called Dr. Stringel, who told us to bring him to the pediatrician that morning since we live an hour from Maria Fareri. Jason's doctor checked him out, called the surgeon, and told us that the incision and swelling seemed to be within normal limits and his fever should peak that day. He asked that we bring Jason back the next morning to be on the safe side. Fortunately, by the next morning Jason's temperature had returned to normal and he seemed to be his usual chipper self!
Post-op Jason sleeping on Mommy. He's cute even when he's feverish!
Since medical stuff can be kind of a bummer to read about, here are some happier updates:
After rejecting every offered pacifier since birth, Jason has suddenly decided that this pacifier is his BFF. It's adorable when he manages to keep it in his mouth, but he sure can scream like a howler monkey when it falls out and Mommy or Daddy don't immediately stick it back in.
Jason has started to discover his hands! He'll stare at a hand for a couple seconds, then slowly bring it towards his head, bonk himself in the eye, and then slide it down his face until he can chew on his knuckles. He is such a little genius.
He also took a drive with me to meet my coworkers! Jason had such a good time being fawned over by the docs and nurses. He was obsessed with my manager's bright red sweater, so she got some great smiles out of him. I think he also recognized my work BFF's voice from his time in utero, because he gave her some charming smiles as well.
Jason's plans for the weekend include tummy time, baths, quality time with Daddy while Mommy goes out to dinner with her work buddies, and enjoying the tantalizing aroma of PopPop's famous smoked ribs.