Saturday, August 15, 2015

Seven months old!

Look at our big boy!

Jason celebrated his seventh month ex-utero by rolling over from back to tummy. He did it once while I was starting dinner, and then screeched and flipped onto his back when he saw me watching him. But once he saw how impressed I was, he did it over and over and over and over and over again.

Unfortunately, our attempts to introduce fruit into Jason's diet have been, um, fruitless (lol).

First we tried bananas:

And then we tried peaches:

And today I tried bananas again, since Jason's cousin Chad loves them so much:

We'll try some apples tonight, but so far Jason's favorite food is yogurt, with oatmeal and squash a close second. 

Tomorrow Jason is going to brunch for the first time! 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Growing so fast!

Jason had his six month checkup this past week. He is 15lbs 8 ounces, and 26 inches long, so he's definitely spurted over the past month or so! He also is starting to demand constant stimulation from us, which is why I'm writing this while sitting in the chair at the hair salon.

He holds his own bottle now!

And sits up like a big boy!

He chews everything, including his bib.

And he is generally well-behaved during his checkups, except this past Wednesday. He peed on Dr. Cutler and cranked when the nurse gave him his oral vaccine. Then he turned into a Tasmanian Devil of Rage after his shots. I took this picture in the waiting room, before all the screaming.

This morning we gave him some whole-milk organic yogurt for the first time. He liked it for a few bites, but then lost interest. He's more of a veggie and oatmeal baby so far, but this week we can start trying some fruit! 

Post-diaper explosion nap. He looks so innocent when he doesn't have poop smeared halfway up his back.