Monday, October 12, 2015

Ring Bearing, like a boss.

This weekend, Jason was honored to participate in Aunt Val's wedding. He had the important job of being carried up the aisle while "holding" the ring box.

The morning of the wedding, I left early to meet up with everyone at the venue for some hair and makeup prep.

End result. 

Unfortunately, Jason had been nursing a nasty cold for the week prior to the wedding. He was cranky while Dave got him dressed in his little suit, and when Dave arrived at the wedding, he opened the car door to see this:

Seriously, Jason?

Dave quickly cleaned Jason up with wipes and tissues, but our little ring bearer was stinky for the rest of the day.

Fortunately, the vomiting was an isolated incident, and Jason charmed the crowd as he fulfilled his ceremony duties. He was well behaved during the vows, and kept himself occupied by taking off his show and chewing it.


Then it was party time! Jason got a nice round of applause during the introductions, and enjoyed looking at all the pretty girls. 

After dinner, Jason had pretty much met his limit. Babci and PopPop whisked him off for his very first sleepover at their house, which allowed Dave and me to enjoy the rest of the festivities. Jason spent his time away from home making friends with Stella the dog, going for a nice morning walk around the neighborhood, and being adorable.


Thursday, October 8, 2015


I'm writing this while getting my birthday mani-pedi. Happy birthday to me!

Jason has experienced several new things recently. For instance, he spent his first night away from us while Dave and I went to the Dudek wedding. Grandma was nice enough to have a slumber party at our place, and Jason seems to have had a great time! 

A happy Jason.

Jason also experienced his first post season disappointment as the Yankees failed to win their wild card game. He handled the loss like a class act. 

Jason competed in his first staring contest with Uncle Mike.

Let's call it a draw.

He also rocked his first hoodie.

And lastly, he got his first stuffy, green-boogery nose. We are providing a humidifier, on-demand snot aspiration, and lots of TLC. 

Sleeping it off.

Flu season is here! Go get your shots.

Friday, October 2, 2015

On the move

Jason can crawl! He's not very good at it yet, so he really just uses one arm and one leg to drag himself on his belly. But he's a smart little stinker, and when he really wants to get somewhere in a hurry he'll roll himself across the floor.  So we bought him a baby jail. 

Doing hard time.

Jason likes his baby jail quite a bit, and it's very helpful that he can entertain himself while we're doing things like cooking dinner.

Jason still just has two bottom teeth poking through, so he looks like a little chipmunk/jack o lantern. I keep trying to get a good picture of them when he smiles, but as soon as he sees my phone his expression changes.

The best I could do. You can kind of see the top of one tooth.

He's been better about eating his fruit, mostly peaches and pears. I tried mashed up avocado this week and it was a total flop. 

Not a guacamole lover.

I also tried giving him chopped banana to see if he would pick it up and eat it. He played around with it for a while, but was confused by the sliminess and didn't seem to know how to get it into his mouth.

Jaso has gotten two special new outfits! A suit for Aunt Val's wedding, and his first Halloween costume!! He also got some new fall onesies and pants.

His last outing in size 6-9 month pants. I seriously didn't realize how much he grew until we put them on him that day.