Yes, Jason is going to be a big brother!
This is a very different pregnancy than last time. With Jason, I was prepared wayyyy ahead of time. Like, I was taking prenatal vitamins two years in advance. This time, when I called to make my first appointment with my OB, the nurse asked if I was currently taking a vitamin. My response was basically "No. And I didn't know I was pregnant, so I've been drinking. Not a lot, but we just got through the holidays, so a bit more than usual. And I've been eating all the bad stuff, like soft cheese and sushi." Not exactly Mother of the Year.
Fortunately, my ultrasounds have shown a happy little monkey growing. I had to see a perinatologist because of my history of HELLP Syndrome, and he thinks we might be having another boy! We won't know for sure for another couple of months.
If I had to describe this pregnancy in one word, it would be "vomitty." Or "fatigued." Some days are ok, and some days I'm practically bed bound. Fortunately, I think the worst is behind us.
Jason has no idea what he's in for, so he's been a happy boy as usual.